McKenna is a healthcare professional with a talent for building relationships, managing projects, and providing data-driven results. Having worked with numerous health systems, McKenna is skilled in partnering with key stakeholders to improve operational processes and identify innovative solutions to solve problems. McKenna is passionate about learning and approaches every project with the goal of continuous improvement.
At ECG, McKenna focuses on partnering with clients to improve operations. Examples of her recent work include developing training materials, such as a referral processing manual, videos, and tip sheets, to support the implementation of redesigned Epic referral management workflows; designing best practice referral management workflows; implementing team and value-based care transformation initiatives; and implementing patient throughput initiatives for imaging services to expand capacity and improve access. Prior to joining ECG, McKenna was a project manager at Cedars-Sinai, where she helped lead several initiatives for Cedars-Sinai clinics, including a root cause analysis to reduce the number of backlogged refill messages in a primary care clinic from over 3,000 to just 40 per day.
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Master of Public Health
Oregon State University
Bachelor of Science in Public Health
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