Systemic changes to primary care have been overdue for many years, but overhauling an area that’s never been considered a revenue driver has been a low priority for most health systems. That’s changing—fast.
Primary care is elbowing its way to the forefront of healthcare executives’ thinking as a growing swell of patient-friendly and technology-driven models capture consumers’ attention. Amazon’s acquisition of One Medical dominated headlines last summer, but that’s only one instance of a new entrant disrupting the primary care market. Private equity and venture capital–backed entities, often with access to the premium dollar, are investing in more efficient and consumer-friendly care models to capture specific cohorts of patients, threatening the position and viability of traditional healthcare provider organizations.
What these disruptors recognize—and what health systems need to grasp—is that consumers drive most primary care decisions. Wellness-focused Millennial and Generation Z consumers have become the largest purchasers of primary care services. This population will increase demand for solutions that deliver care in a customer-friendly environment.
These patients are prioritizing access, convenience, and a seamless care experience over a personal provider relationship. Primary care workforce supply-and-demand disparities contribute to widespread access and service issues, and the predominant physician-centric care models that originate from traditional “private practice” and outdated training models are ineffective.
Forward-thinking health systems need to adopt new primary care models that focus on:
- Maximizing the capabilities of the provider workforce.
- Increasing provider-patient contact time.
- Enhancing seamless navigation through the health system for patients.
- Supporting providers in satisfactory, long-term careers in medicine and delivering the best service to patients.
Organizations that can flex to accommodate patients in this way will have a significant competitive advantage. Read the full article to learn about the five primary care initiatives that health systems should pursue as they traverse a rapidly changing landscape.
Consumers Drive Most Primary Care Decisions.
Forward-thinking health systems need to adopt new primary care models.
Read the Full ArticleEdited by: Matt Maslin
Designed by: Mary Anne Akhouzine
Published April 13, 2023
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