Academic Medical Group Leadership Roundtable
Given the tight connections and need for alignment between faculty group practices and their medical school partner, this presentation provides insights on key elements for financial success and sustainability for the medical school and how the FGP participates and contributes to this endeavor.
Join ECG’s Clay Tellers at the Academic Medical Group Leadership Roundtable in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL April 20 to learn about recent trends in medical school economics, followed by discussion of four main areas that leaders must address to optimize medical school performance, including financial arrangements with the clinical enterprise, academic resource allocation decisions, administrative infrastructure models, and faculty compensation.
Date & Time |
4/20/2024 09:45 AM ET |
Location |
Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa 1000 Pga Tour Blvd. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 |
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